Name: Lyon Herron
Location: Malibu, CA
Job: Photographer
Soundtrack: Black Sabbath
Retreat: Go surf or moto
Wildest Dream: My wildest dream would be to be able to travel the world to the most uncharted breath taking places while shooting photos and surfing along the way.
Proudest Moment: I don't necessarily have a proudest moment, I feel like I'm just proud of where I am in life and what I have overcome.
Biggest Challenge: Life likes to throw constant challenges at me. Whether it be a everyday challenge or something that has to do with my health, it can all be challenging. It's how you deal with it.
Perfect Day: Wake up, go out for a surf early, then head to the motocross track to ride in the afternoon. Head home shoot some sunset photos then have a big family dinner with a few buddies. That sounds pretty perfect to me.
Last Purchase: 2 pairs of 501 Levis
Movie: I have too many
Why the Young & Brave Foundation: Well the Young & Brave Foundation has done so much for me over the past few years with helping raise money to pay some of my medical bills. Also being a young cancer survivor, I want to give back and show the warriors that are going through it right now that they can beat this thing!