Scott Soens

Name: Scott Soens

Location: Ventura

Job: Photographer/Cinematographer

Fondest Memory: It's hard to nail down just one.
I think anything with my family and friends. Even just sitting on a dock watching a summer storm roll through on the back bay in New Jersey where I grew up. Family dinners were always great. Most of the memories that really stick to me though are in or around the water with my friends.

Soundtrack: Bob Marley

Retreat: In the Ocean, but specificaly underwater, It think the silence is amazing

Wildest Dream: To be able to pass on happiness to my children. No matter the situation they're in, to try and see the best in it.

Proudest Moment: Seeing my wife give birth to my son. So proud of them both.

Biggest Challenge: Keeping a clean desk

Perfect Day: Early wake up and surf then beach day with the family till late then an amazing meal with friends and family.

Last Purchase: A plane ticket


Why the Young & Brave Foundation: Because LOVE and positivity should always have a place in the hardest times in life. I believe that Young and the brave does that.