Name: Torrey Meister
Location: Kailua Kona, Big Island
Job: Professional Surfer
Fondest Memory: Camping trips with my Dad when I was a kid. There was a beach on the Big island that we would camp at almost every weekend. We would load up my dad's camper truck with our dogs, surfboards, fishing gear, food. whatever we needed for the weekend, and we would surf our brains out. When you're a kid the waves are always overhead and perfect! I can't remember a day that the waves were flat or crowded it was always pumping and all our friends who surfed would be camping too so it was always a lot of fun. Those are some of my fondest memories. not a care in the world just going surfing all day.
Soundtrack: Traveler by Chris Stapleton
Retreat: At Home on the Big Island
Wildest Dream: Making the WCT has definitely been one of my main wishes for a long time now but honestly being able to go surfing for a living is the wildest dream come true I could have ever been blessed with. I want to make it last as long as I can.
Proudest Moment: Winning the Coldwater Classic in 2013. That year it was a specialty event for surfers who didn't have a main sponsor and the winner got a sponsorship with O'Neill for a year with almost all expenses covered. Before the event I hadn't had a main sponsor for 3 years, was in extreme debt from competing, and honestly was wondering if I should consider a different profession altogether. Counting down the last 5 seconds in the final, with no waves approaching, and being in the number one spot as the horn blew is a feeling I will never forget. It was like someone gave me back the career that I'd been working towards my whole life. I don't know if proud was the feeling I had at that moment, but I was definitely feeling thankful to the Man upstairs.
Biggest Challenge: Injuries have been one of my biggest challenges. The whole process is intense. From the initial trauma of the injury, to all the rehab, the depression of not being able to surf, to trusting the process and convincing yourself that you are going to come back stronger. Its an emotional roller coaster and you have to remain very strong willed and motivated through it all. I truly believe that challenges have made me a stronger and better person in the long run.
Perfect Day: Everyday I am home on the Big Island its perfect!
Last Purchase: Coffee all day everyday
Movie: The Notebook
Why the Young & Brave Foundation: The Young and Brave Foundation because they give support to the people who are fighting for their lives. I want to do what I can to help these heroes, encourage them and let them know how loved they are. If I can give someone hope in a rough time, I believe that is what life is about, helping each other. So thank you Young and Brave for giving us a platform to get involved.